
Coming soon! In the meantime, see our Google Scholar page.


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    \textmuSim: A goal-driven framework for elucidating the neural control of movement through musculoskeletal modeling
    Muhammad Noman Almani, John Lazzari, Andrea Chacon, and 1 more author
    bioRxiv, 2024


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    Disentangled multi-subject and social behavioral representations through a constrained subspace variational autoencoder (CS-VAE)
    Daiyao Yi, Simon Musall, Anne Churchland, and 2 more authors
    Jul 2023
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    Motor deficit and lack of overt dystonia in Dlx conditional Dyt1 knockout mice
    David Berryman, Jake Barrett, Canna Liu, and 7 more authors
    Behavioural Brain Research, Jul 2023
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    Region-based conversion of neural activity across sessions
    Woohyun Eum, Carlton Smith, and Shreya Saxena
    In 2023 11th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), Jul 2023
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    Neural Correlations Across Mice During Spontaneous and Task-Related Behaviors
    Daiyao Yi, and Shreya Saxena
    In 2023 11th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), Jul 2023
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    Unsupervised Human Activity Recognition Learning for Disassembly Tasks
    Xinyao Zhang, Daiyao Yi, Sara Behdad, and 1 more author
    IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, Jul 2023
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    Artificial neural network-based rapid predictor of biological nerve fiber activation for DBS applications
    Justin Golabek, Matthew Schiefer, Joshua K Wong, and 2 more authors
    Journal of Neural Engineering, Jan 2023
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    Behavioral Classification of Sequential Neural Activity Using Time Varying Recurrent Neural Networks
    Yongxu Zhang, Catalin Mitelut, David J. Arpin, and 3 more authors
    bioRxiv, Jan 2023


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    Mesoscale cortex-wide neural dynamics predict self-initiated actions in mice several seconds prior to movement
    Catalin Mitelut, Yongxu Zhang, Yuki Sekino, and 6 more authors
    eLife, Nov 2022
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    Motor cortex activity across movement speeds is predicted by network-level strategies for generating muscle activity
    Shreya Saxena, Abigail A Russo, John Cunningham, and 1 more author
    eLife, May 2022
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    Neuroscience Cloud Analysis As a Service: An open-source platform for scalable, reproducible data analysis
    Taiga Abe, Ian Kinsella, Shreya Saxena, and 8 more authors
    Neuron, May 2022
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    Next-generation brain observatories
    Christof Koch, Karel Svoboda, Amy Bernard, and 13 more authors
    Neuron, May 2022
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    Motor cortical influence relies on task-specific activity covariation
    Claire L. Warriner, Samaher Fageiry, Shreya Saxena, and 2 more authors
    Cell Reports, May 2022
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    Recurrent neural networks controlling musculoskeletal models predict motor cortex activity during novel limb movements
    Muhammad Noman Almani, and Shreya Saxena
    In 2022 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), May 2022
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    Modeling the behavior of multiple subjects using a Cauchy-Schwarz regularized Partitioned Subspace Variational AutoEncoder (CS-PS-VAE)
    Daiyao Yi, and Shreya Saxena
    In 2022 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), May 2022


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    Uncovering the effect of different brain regions on behavioral classification using recurrent neural networks
    Yongxu Zhang, Catalin Mitelut, Greg Silasi, and 4 more authors
    In 2021 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), May 2021


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    Localized semi-nonnegative matrix factorization (LocaNMF) of widefield calcium imaging data
    Shreya Saxena, Ian Kinsella, Simon Musall, and 8 more authors
    PLOS Computational Biology, May 2020
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    Chronic, cortex-wide imaging of specific cell populations during behavior
    João Couto, Simon Musall, Xiaonan R. Sun, and 8 more authors
    Nature Protocols, May 2020
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    Performance Limitations in Sensorimotor Control: Trade-Offs Between Neural Computation and Accuracy in Tracking Fast Movements
    Shreya Saxena, Sridevi V. Sarma, and Munther Dahleh
    Neural Computation, May 2020


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    Towards the neural population doctrine
    Shreya Saxena, and John P Cunningham
    Current Opinion in Neurobiology, May 2019
    Machine Learning, Big Data, and Neuroscience
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    BehaveNet: nonlinear embedding and Bayesian neural decoding of behavioral videos
    Eleanor Batty, Matthew Whiteway, Shreya Saxena, and 10 more authors
    In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, May 2019
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    Modulations in Oscillatory Activity of Globus Pallidus Internus Neurons During a Directed Hand Movement Task—A Primary Mechanism for Motor Planning
    Shreya Saxena, Sridevi V. Sarma, Shaun R. Patel, and 3 more authors
    Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, May 2019


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    A novel variational family for hidden nonlinear markov models
    Daniel Hernandez, Antonio Khalil Moretti, Ziqiang Wei, and 3 more authors
    arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.02459, May 2018
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    Reconstructing Neural Activity and Kinematics Using a Systems-Level Model of Sensorimotor Control
    Shreya Saxena, Raina D’Aleo, Marc Schieber, and 2 more authors
    In 2018 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), May 2018


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    Weighted Population Code for low power neuromorphic image classification
    Antonio Jimeno Yepes, Jianbin Tang, Shreya Saxena, and 2 more authors
    In 2016 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), May 2016


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    A systematic approach to selecting task relevant neurons
    Kevin Kahn, Shreya Saxena, Emad Eskandar, and 6 more authors
    Journal of Neuroscience Methods, May 2015


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    Analyzing the effect of an integrate and fire encoder and decoder in feedback
    Shreya Saxena, and Munther Dahleh
    In 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, May 2014
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    Real-Time Decoding of an Integrate and Fire Encoder
    Shreya Saxena, and Munther Dahleh
    In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, May 2014


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    Aggregate Input-Output Models of Neuronal Populations
    Shreya Saxena, Marc H. Schieber, Nitish V. Thakor, and 1 more author
    IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, May 2012


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    Modulations in the oscillatory activity of the Globus Pallidus internus neurons during a behavioral task-A point process analysis
    Shreya Saxena, John T. Gale, Emad N. Eskandar, and 1 more author
    In 2011 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, May 2011


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    Point process models show temporal dependencies of basal ganglia nuclei under Deep Brain Stimulation
    Shreya Saxena, Sabato Santaniello, Erwin B. Montgomery, and 2 more authors
    In 2010 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, May 2010


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    Measuring micromotion around a loaded hip stem using μCT imaging
    M. Gortchacow, S. Saxena, M. Wettstein, and 2 more authors
    Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, May 2009